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  • 2 Jan, 2020

The Time When I Discovered The Avatar Within

It’s a cold winter morning and at 5.00 am – alarm 🚨 buzzes at its full swing ready to wake us(Me and my wife) up.

The body still shivering,
Mind getting lazy.

I feel like getting back under the warm blanket, forgetting everything that I have planned for today!!

But suddenly a voice inside me – the avatar – comes from within. I want it to go away as I am not prepared to run in this chilly morning but the avatar hangs over like a demon. It is continuously telling me to get ready and run.
Yes, I too want to run but what about this chilling weather??

I remember those initial days when this avatar was an absolute stranger to me and how I used to talk harshly about the changes that this avatar brought within everyone’s life. I was doing this because I feared change – The change to lead a healthy life, the change to follow a routine to stay fit, the change to accept new ideas and challenges.
I feared all of these changes & many others and hence cursed the avatar that I saw in others not realizing the wondrous transformation it brings to our souls and hearts 💓 .

The avatar within me slowly started getting louder and unavoidable. I was unable to figure out the reason why I was looking for a change in my life when everything is going normal. Then I found out that it was not normal, I was alone and depressed about my health, my life but never realized it.

Reminds me of Jagjeet Singh’s ghazal – ”Is Lakhaon ki Bheed Mai bhi insaan tanha pata hai aapne aap ko” or something like this 😉

Thinking all this, the avatar in me boomed up. 🏃‍♂️

Miracles do happen!

When I met the avatar and his followers, I forgot the chilling weather. I went to the washroom, got ready and prepared myself to meet and discuss another thought and idea with the avatar. I realized that the journey of life is nothing but overall memories of the experience.

And then, I remembered what the avatar once told me-
“Yes physically the sun rises in the east but never sets”

I did not understand what it meant until I met this very young simple lady of 75 years in flight on our way back to Indore, regaining herself from Throat Cancer, undergoing radiation therapy at this tender age, a strong believer of Nirmala Devi. She was all 😃 smiles and happy and expressed that it’s her belief that constructive activities, positive people, simple thinking structures one’s life passionately and one does not have to indulge in others’ perception to live a happy and fun-filled life. I immediately got the answer to my question and realized how true this avatar ❤️ was?

In fact, the sun should never set 😊😊..!!

Such moments & acts that passionately connect hearts and souls in a selfless way and strengthens our integration with humans as thoughts and ideas, nature as inspiration, activities as experiences – I found them fascinating.

I realized that the martyr is one’s negative and ugly thoughts.

Remembering all this, I made my mind to get up and get going.

And now I am all set to go.

It is 5.30 am, I wore my attire for running – jackets, topi, gloves, and my technical shoes 👟 (Obviously, without proper technical shoes which means running 🏃‍♂️ shoes, long-running is not recommended), cycled down to our running headquarters – Atal Sankul at Indore. I greeted our coach and fellow runners who have become messengers and integrators of avatars into many’s life as torchbearers.

The one who has the power to change one’s thought process – This avatar is not only about running 🏃‍♂️ ‍but the many believers who tread their path towards mental and spiritual health, their commitment towards fighting the negatives in society and raising voice against the injustice. It’s about creating awareness within ourselves that each one of us is a true warrior and is here to serve the society for its betterment and upliftments.

The training sessions start and as per the schedule, we are physically challenged daily to Strengthen ourselves and find ourselves evolving to become better and positively changing…

Raj Vaswani

(Architect, Marathoner, Cyclist)

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